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Alpha Six Actual

Why Should You Train in the Art of Combat?

Updated: Mar 11




  1. a fight or contest between individuals or groups

  2. conflict, controversy

  3. active fighting in a war : action

Since the time of Cain and Able mankind has been killing and maiming one another. It's in the DNA of man to dominate and subject another to the the whims and wishes of the strongest . As the old saying goes, "the more things change, the more they stay the same". In Cain's day he used a stone, today we use drones, but the end result is the same. The winner wins, the loser loses. It sucks to be the loser.

So, in the days of door cameras, alarm systems, mace, security guards, and police; why train to fight? Simple answer. Technology breaks or can be defeated, security guards are not Mike Tyson and cannot be everywhere, and police officers across the nation have been maligned, second guessed and demoralized and are at least 30 mins away.

Bottom line up front (BLUF), if you are physically and mentally able, throw away the Cheetos, (you should throw away the Cheetos anyway) get your butt off the couch and join a gym or set up a simple weight bench, pull up bar, do pushups, sit-ups, get a 40 lb weight vest and get your cardio up. Stop drinking (I did) and smoking. Remember when the crap hits the fan, those items are going to be rare commodities and people will kill you over them. To survive the coming days you must develop a warrior mindset. It's never too late to start.

Next step or concurrently with your new found physical fitness routine, seek out a legit weapons and tactical instructor-I know a guy that can hook you up! Instructors need not be a Special Forces qualified "War Daddy". The likelihood of you ever being able to operate at the level of a Tier 1 operator is next to impossible; no matter how many You Tube videos you watch or Call to Duty games you play. The only way to get proficient is to get out in the mud, cold, heat, and sand and TRAIN. In addition, you don't have to have all the expensive "cool guy shit" either. As a matter of fact, until you can "walk the walk, and talk the talk", you'll look like an idiot to the others training with you. Most of my personal kit are items made in "Chyna", it's unfortunate but its the reality of globalization.

Fundamentals. Learn the basics first and train constantly on the fundamentals. When you can perform the fundamentals of shoot, move, and communicate in your sleep and they become an extension of yourself, then move to more advanced techniques. Point of fact, a guy I know once won a charity skeet competition half hung over, with an old rusty pump Mossberg 12 gauge truck gun wearing gas station "shades" faded ripped jeans, and a ratty t-shirt; while all the other competitors wore fancy shooting vests, Ray Ban shooting glasses and shooting expensive over and under shotguns. To add insult to their injury he had not even planned on shooting that day! The moral to the story is be proficient with your equipment what ever it is and train the fundamentals.

The training philosophy at Assegai Survival Systems is simple. We train our students in the crawl, walk, and run method as well as to Task, Conditions and Standards. Train your tasks in a condition that replicates as close as possible to reality and against a standard that is measurable. I see many mistakes when people are training. They think that speed is key. No, accuracy is. Remember the mantra, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. The idea is to rush less but achieve more.

There are uncertain times ahead for all of us that inhabit Planet Earth. Food, water and fuel resources will become increasingly more expensive and wars will be fought over them. It boils down to a simple case of the Law of Supply and Demand. The population of the planet is becoming unsustainable. We are pouring concrete over farmland to build apartments and subdivisions. Insanity.

Don't believe me? Just read the news on "trusted" news sources from all over the world. The manufactured "plague" of Covid 19 should be a wake up call to all of us. This will be the subject of another blog, but the point being is that no one is coming to save you when the lights go out. You must be your own Sentinel.

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